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What is foster care?
What is foster care?
Mokopuna/children in foster care are temporarily living with another whānau. Mātua whāngai/foster carers provide these young people with support, and a safe, secure, and nurturing home.
Mātua whāngai look after mokopuna in their own homes. In most cases, mokopuna can be reunited with their whānau. When this isn’t possible, mātua whangai may help prepare a mokopuna for independence.
“You need an endless supply of unconditional love.”
Kathy, Key Assets Foster Carer

Why do mokopuna need foster care?
Mokopuna come into foster care for a variety of reasons – many of them have experienced neglect, or physical, emotional or sexual abuse. All mokopuna have faced separation from their birth whānau.
The mokopuna our mātua whāngai take into their homes have been referred to Key Assets by Oranga Tamariki. These mokopuna need the support of patient and loving people who can help them achieve their full potential.
“Sometimes people do ask us why we do it, particularly at this late stage in our lives. I just reply – well if not us, then who?”
Simon, Key Assets Foster Carer